
March 08, 2023

Why you should be considering perception in communications

Have you ever considered the implication of different perceptions within your communication campaigns?

Perception is a funny thing. Individuals perceive messages differently, no matter the medium the messages are in, whether it’s optical illusions, through design or written content. And that’s viewnique.

Most people take in information through their five senses, but your perceptual field (the world around you) includes so many stimuli that it is impossible for your brain to process and make sense of it all. So, as information comes in through your senses, various factors influence what actually continues on through the perception process.

[source: Fiske, S.T. and Taylor, S.E. (1991) Social Cognition. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.]

All organisations should communicate with their audience by taking into account the different ways their messages may be perceived.

So, what is perception in communication?

By knowing how perception works, you’ll be able to clear up any communication misunderstandings before they happen.

In communication, perception is a 3 three-step process: selecting, organising and interpretating. The effect that perception has on the process of communication pertains to how different people might interpret the same message in very different ways.

[Source: ‘Perception Role & Influences | What Is Perception in Communication? - Video & Lesson Transcript’. Study.Com, Accessed 21 Feb. 2023.]

Step 1: Selecting

In the first step, people select the information they want to perceive, and this affects the rest of the perception process. There are a number of different messages that everyone is bombarded with, and it’s not possible for someone to perceive each one. That’s why the brain selects specific parts of a message to concentrate on.

For example, if two people are watching an advert about a local hair salon, they may both focus on a different aspect. One might concentrate on the different hairstyles the salon is able to do, while the other may pay attention to the location of the salon.

Step 2: Organise

In the next step, people organise the information they have selected to perceive. Each individual has a different way they categorise their information, and it’s related to past perceptions and experiences. For example, the person that focused on the different hairstyles in the advert may be looking for a hairdresser for their upcoming wedding. If they have been researching local hairdressers, they may categorise this information with other similar ones they’ve researched.

Step 3: Interpret

In the last step, people assign meaning to the information they’ve selected and organised. Like all aspects of perception, interpretation is based on a number of factors the person has experienced. For example, if the hair salon advert says that the location is within walking distance from a certain area, the person that’s focused on location may interpret that to mean it’s close to their house.

[source: ‘Types of Perception in Communication’. Bizfluent, Accessed 21 Feb. 2023.]

So, how can we ensure the right message is being absorbed?

In any form of communication, whether that is a visual advert or copy orientated newsletter, audiences tend to pay attention to the information that is salient. Salience is the degree to which something attracts your attention in a particular context. The thing attracting your attention can be abstract, like a concept, or concrete, like an object.

The degree of salience depends on three features: (Fiske & Taylor, 1991) whether the object is visually or aurally stimulating, whether it meets your needs or interests, and whether it meets or challenges your expectations.

Visual and Aural Stimulation – It is probably not surprising to learn that visually and/or aurally stimulating things become salient in our perceptual field and get our attention.

Needs and Interests – We tend to pay attention to information that we perceive to meet our needs or interests in some way. We also find salient information that interests us.

Expectations – The relationship between salience and expectations is a little more complex. We can find both expected things salient and find things that are unexpected salient.

Consider a guerrilla marketing campaign for instance, they are considered as visually stimulating, they are often objects that are enlarged or out of place, they challenge most people’s expectations in terms of the ‘normal’ advertisement they see. Guerrilla marketing represents an impossible scenario created through visual stimulation, that generates salience.

As a communicator, you can use this knowledge about salience to your benefit by minimizing distractions when you have something important to say.

[source: eCampusOntario. Perception. Apr. 2018.,]

When you’re prepping your next comms piece, consider the message you want to convey, the key takeaways for your audience and the campaign salience. Focus the visuals, sound, touch, taste and smell to direct to that salience.

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March 02, 2023

Our commitment to the environment

We recognise the potential impact our work could have on the environment if not carefully managed; that’s why we are committed to ensuring that our services are as environmentally friendly as possible. Our accreditations and Environmental Management System (EMS) are evidence of this agenda: ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental management; Forest Stewardship Council (FSC); World Land Trust (WLT) Carbon Balanced Publication Printer status.

resource is one of only a handful of carbon balanced printers accredited by the World Land Trust, this enables us to offset through the World Land Trust all our emission throughout our business. Carbon balanced print helps combat global warming and delivers against your corporate social responsibility. The World Land Trust work globally to protect critically threatened tropical forests and habitats whilst investing in tree planting and reforestation worldwide. Your printed material will display the World Land Trust logo and you’ll receive a certificate from resource to advise the amount of carbon balanced and the area of land protected as a result of your positive action.

All paper used by resource is FSC certified. The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) ensures that paper products use wood fibre that is sourced from responsibly managed forests meeting the highest environmental, social and economic standards. Only then will it carry the FSC logo, including a certified chain of custody that tracks the timber through every stage in the supply chain, from the forest to the end user. As an FSC certified printer, any print we produce on your behalf will display the FSC logo, showcasing your commitment to procuring from an environmentally friendly source.

From November 2012 to December 2022 resource has carbon balanced through World Land Trust 2181 Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide, enabling us to protect 220 Acres of critically threatened tropical forest.

Download our certificate here

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December 01, 2022

A time for reflection

As the year draws to a close and the festive period begins, it’s a time for reflection. There is, without doubt, a growing level of uncertainty and concern over the challenges that are being faced as a result of the economic climate. Whilst we all consider what that means for ourselves and our families, it’s also an opportunity to think of those who are less fortunate.

With this in mind, we’ve chosen to do something different this Christmas. Rather than identifying one charity, we’ve asked our colleagues to each choose a cause that’s close to their heart, so that we can make a £100 donation to each one.

The team have each submitted some fantastic suggestions, with some emotional reasons, so why not take the time to read one or two to see where their donation is going. Hopefully, this will also encourage others to make a donation, if they’re in a fortunate position to do so.

See below the links to our full list of charities and good causes our colleagues have chosen to support this festive season:

Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity

3 Dads Walking

German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue UK

British Heart Foundation

St Gemma’s Hospice

Royal National Lifeboat Institution


Project Hope

Getaway Girls

Royal National Institute of Blind People

National Autistic Society – Calderdale branch

The Health Tree Foundation

Street Angels

Dementia Adventure

Simon on the streets

Wakefield Street Kitchen

Challenging MND

Andy’s Man Club

Bone Cancer Research Trust

Kirkwood Hospice

Ireland Wood Primary School

Elliot’s Footprint

Dementia UK

T.A.P Assistance Dogs

Alzheimers Society

Meningitis Now

The Resource Food Bank – Christ Church and South Ossett

Service Dogs UK


Motor Neurone Disease Association

Wakefield Hospice

Bradford Cat Watch & Rescue Sanctuary

Barwick and Elmet cubs

Fletcher’s Fencing, Decking & Garden Maintenance

Leeds North West Food Bank


Leukaemia research fund

Calderdale and Hudd NHS Trust: Coronary care unit

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September 30, 2022

In person or online? A virtually impossible question to answer

When the COVID-19 pandemic went global in 2020, the events industry came to a crashing standstill. Organised events around the world such as conference, trade shows, product launches and workshops we’re all cancelled or postponed overnight.

Since then, it has been estimated by a recent BVEP (Business Visits & Events Partnership) report that the events industry in the UK lost a staggering £57 billion of its value, down from the pre-pandemic level of £70 billion.

As a result, virtual events and conferences came to the fore. Suddenly, they became the norm as everyone attended from the comfort of their home. But, even though this format allowed businesses to continue connecting with staff and customers, it couldn’t replace everything about a physical event. Nevertheless, the virtual event is a welcome addition to the experience sector and is here to stay – it’s earned its place in the post-pandemic world.

The real question is are virtual and in-person events going to naturally balance out – or will one format ultimately overcome the other?

Two heavyweight contenders

Virtual events have their undoubted benefits. For example, they have lower costs, are theoretically easier to manage and there’s no venue to work with. What’s more, you can avoid health & safety issues and not be confined by travel restrictions. Event platforms are now incredibly advanced, meaning audience engagement opportunities are limitless.

But can they match the excitement and emotion of an in-person event?

Live events give brands an opportunity to wow their guests arguably can’t be matched through a laptop screen. They can create incredible opportunities, enhanced marketing experiences and form better connections with their audience.

Traditional events can be creatively limitless, allowing your brand to come to life in a true experiential manner.

Best of both worlds

So if both formats have undeniable strengths, can the two work together as a hybrid? Hybrid events can undoubtably provide more flexibility. They give attendees the option to attend in-person, or do so virtually if they can’t (or don’t want to) be there in the flesh. They can also reduce the need for plane travel for overseas delegates, which in turn is better for the environment and allows for greater reach.

If you’d like to know how we can help with your next conference, event or product launch, give us a call. We’d love to help you plan and execute an in-person, virtual or hybrid event that’s out of this world.

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September 22, 2022

What’s the buzz about becoming B Corp?

We’re passionate about designing, developing, and producing, sustainable creative communications, which includes helping our clients reduce their environmental impact. As part of this, we’re striving to become B-Corp certified. This is a huge topic of conversation across all industries, but do you know what it is and why it’s becoming such an important accreditation?

What is B-Corp?

The ‘B’ in B-Corp stands for ‘Benefits’ and refers to benefiting colleagues, the community and the environment. Put simply, it represents business used as a force for good. The certification itself confirms that you’re meeting the highest standards in performance, accountability and transparency across a number of factors ranging from employee benefits and ‘charitable giving’ through to good supply chain practices.

The certificate is given by B Lab, which is a nonprofit organisation working to transform the global economy for the good of all. The B Corp certification first began in 2012 and since then it has gone from strength to strength with over 5,000 companies across 60 industries around the world now proudly being B-Corporations. These include such prestigious brands as Ben & Jerry’s, Gousto and Patagonia.

How do you become B certified?

As with any recognised certification, becoming a B-Corp brand isn’t easy. You must go on a journey that includes a rigorous application which has over 300 questions covering every aspect of your business.

Here are the main points that you must adhere to:

  • You must have an explicit social or environmental mission, and a legally binding responsibility to be accountable for the interests of workers, the community and environment.
  • Adopt B Lab’s commitment to sustainability and treating colleagues well, with this included in your articles of incorporation.
  • Pay B Corp an annual fee based on your revenue.
  • Complete a biannual B Impact Report covering social and environmental impact, which you must make public.
  • Meet B Lab’s exacting social and environment performances levels.

What are the benefits?

Becoming B-Corp certified shows that your company has achieved the high standards when it comes to positive social and environmental impact. In addition, you’ll build trust with customers, the community and suppliers alike. And of course, as you’re looking after your team, you’re helping to attract and retain them. Last and by no means least, it helps you partner with likeminded businesses.

How long does it take to achieve?

Well, it’s an ongoing process as you are continually re-assessed with the aim to always better your last score. But to begin with, you need a minimum B Impact Assessment score of 80 points to be certified. According to the B Lab website, it’s hard to achieve this on the first attempt. But we’ll let you know when we try soon! Until, then if you’d like to know more about becoming B Corp, visit the B Lap UK website by clicking here.

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August 03, 2022

The power of print in a digital age

A lot of people thought that the rise of the internet was going to sound the death knell for print. But it’s alive and kicking and indeed thriving. Whilst so much of our lives are consumed with digital technology and media, we still yearn for the visual impact and physical touch of printed communications.  

But how has the humble printed page managed to survive against such ever growing competition? Well, for starters printing techniques have kept up with technology, as has design technology and typography. Designs and creations are getting ever more impressive. But this is only one piece of the puzzle – as one of the reasons print has remained such a persuasive piece of marketing material is down to the way we are as humans and how we react to it.

We’re hotwired to prefer print

It’s been found that it takes 21% less cognitive effort to read and process print than digital material. In addition, you’re more likely to remember what you’ve read. And not a bit more, 70% more. That makes quite a difference when it comes to delivering your message.

Print also connects with us on an emotional level. You don’t just see it. When it’s a leaflet, piece of DM, page in a newspaper or brochure, you’re touching and interacting with it. This emotional connection means we’re actually more likely to want the product or service we’ve seen, albeit on a subconscious level.

Print doesn’t just disappear

Digital marketing is a never satisfied monster that needs constantly feeding. As a result, web content is constantly flooded with ever-changing ads, blogs and articles. So many in fact, it can be too much to take in. On top of this, competition for an audience is fierce.

Print on the other hand can be around forever. Or at the very least sit on your coffee table for a few weeks. A brochure may therefore seem a costly outlay, but not when you compare it to producing a never ending stream of digital ads and content, it becomes a much more cost-effective exercise that has more stand out and longevity.

Print reaches people and interacts with them

When you send an email campaign, how many emails actually get through your target market’s spam filters? Or how many ads are blocked by ever-smarter ad-blockers?

Again, print comes out on top. There’s nothing stopping your audience from opening a page and seeing your ad or that piece of direct mail landing on their doorstep.

And when people do hold a piece of printed material it has value. So much so that it could be kept just for aesthetic reasons.  As shown in a study for the Royal Mail which found that the resurgence in popularity of direct mail was because the giving, receiving and handling of actual objects rather than digital messages is an intuitive part of the human experience.

Even Millennials love print

It’s easy to think that print is better for an older market, while digital is for a younger audience. But again, this isn’t true. Even though Millennials we’re brought up with a device in their hand, they still love old school direct mail. It creates an emotional response that digital marketing just can’t achieve

Just as TV has not caused the demise of radio, the same is true of print. It is holding its own against its digital would-be usurper. As with TV and radio advertising, it is more a case of using each medium in the right way to reach the right audience. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. By understanding these, you can get the best ROI possible on your next marketing campaign.

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August 03, 2022

Embracing sustainability

Once upon a time – corporate sustainability was considered a ‘nice to have’. Something optional that followed a consumer trend and gave businesses some new PR opportunities to shout about. But now that has all changed. Today, sustainability has become an essential part of any business strategy creating a value-driven approach that is better for business as well as creating social and environmental benefits.

First, what is it?

Let’s start by defining business sustainability. In essence, it’s the positive change a company has on both society and the environment.  A sustainable business strategy is therefore a means of addressing both areas and in doing so help to solve what many consider to be our planet’s biggest problems such as global warming, pollution, overuse of natural resources, inequalities, racial injustice and human rights issues.

No business can simply ‘switch-on’ their sustainability overnight. It needs to be carefully integrated into the very fabric of the business through strategies and forward thinking.

But, for businesses that do embrace what’s possible, the benefits come in the form of long-term success.

As Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson stated, you can’t use business to do good in the world if you’re not doing well financially. So, success and altruism are strongly interconnected.

What are the benefits?

For starters, it’s been shown in studies that the most sustainable companies are the most profitable. As found by Accenture’s research into responsible leadership which highlighted that companies with high performance ratings in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues enjoyed operating margins on average 3.7 times higher than businesses which were lower ESG performer.

Why is this? Well, one of the benefits of championing sustainability is that it improves your brand credibility, develops trust with partners and makes you more desirable to customers.

What’s more, there is an ever-growing market for sustainable goods and services. As shown in a 2019 study which concluded that 73% of global consumers will change their consumption habits in order to lessen their impact on the environment. A similar survey in consumption trends backed this up by stating that the majority of consumers are prepared to spend a 10% more on food packaging and environmentally-friendly material. This means that by taking a sustainable approach you increase sales by attracting like-minded customers.

Even though businesses know the importance of having a sustainability strategy in place, few are still actually incorporating one. A study by BCG/MIT discovered that only 60% of companies in their study had a sustainability strategy in place and just 25% had sustainability as part of their business model.

This lacklustre approach means that by driving forward your sustainability strategy you can gain the competitive advantage.  And not just with customers, but also employees. A strong approach to sustainability can motivate staff which in turn drives revenue. Also, staff satisfaction is raised, and they are far more likely to recommend your company to others.        

Of course, one of the main benefits is that when business gets behind sustainability it can drive change. And when companies come together in overcoming problem that are simply too big for individuals to solve, they can be solved. A great example is when Unilever committed to only sourcing sustainable palm oil in 2008, as its production was causing record greenhouse gas emissions. By cooperating with its competitors and governments, as well as relevant organisations, there was an industry-wide change to just using sustainable palm oil. A change that has benefited the world since. All while Unilever has remained an industry-leading company.

Ready to begin your sustainability journey?

No matter what sector you’re in, or the size of your business, you can start integrating a sustainability strategy into your company. And in doing so take your first step towards a value-driven programme that contributes towards long-term success.

Which is exactly what we’re doing! If you’d like to know more, get in touch today. We’ll happily share what we’ve learnt so far.

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August 03, 2022

Turning insights into outcomes

The relationship between strategy and insight

A solid marketing strategy is a key to the success of any business. But ensuring it is aligned with the vision of the business and the opportunities the market present is the challenge.

This is where strategic thinking comes in and at the heart of this is insight. In fact, the whole purpose of strategic thinking is to uncover insights. These can be defined as a relevant and meaningful realisation of the nature of something important to your business and how it affects your business outcomes. For example, they could come from getting a true understanding of what motivates your audience, why they do or don’t get involved with your brand, what they think about it and how they feel about it.

Insights are therefore vital in helping to define and evolve not just your marketing strategy, but also your brand. They are the solid foundation on which everything is built upon.

Different kinds of insights

An insight can come in different forms. It might be discovering that a customer need is currently not being met, finding out the differences between an existing market and a new one or simply highlighting what people really think about your brand. 

They can however be split into three distinct groups;

The first is an insight into your current situation, looking at problems, opportunities, motivations or ambitions in the here and now.

The second are insights into the future. These highlight what is likely to happen and if it is not a desired outcome, how can it be changed into one that is?

Last and by no means least, are insights that let you go from where you are to where you want to be. These are problem solving insights that look at the bigger picture.

How to uncover insights

Insights aren’t epiphanies that come out of thin air, they come from hard work. They begin by collecting information, looking for issues and categorising findings. Then, it’s a case of analysing all the data and trying to find connections and themes. Asking questions every step of the way and creating theories that are tested again and again until one that cannot be disputed is found.

Throughout this process you need to stay detached and not let your own feelings or hunches get in the way. It is all too easy to jump to conclusions or let previous experiences lead where you go.

At the end of this process you should have a strong strategic insight that is not just relevant, but also meaningful. It should be the focus point of your business strategy and help build your brand and make a positive difference to your business.

If you’d like to know more about turning insights into outcomes, get in touch today. One of our strategy team will be happy to chat you through the process we go through to find your business’s insights and how we then use them to create a strategy that gets results.

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August 03, 2022

Be switched on about data

In 2021, it was estimated that global data breaches cost over staggering £5 trillion to businesses worldwide – a figure that has grown year on year. So, regardless of what your business is, you need to take data and its security seriously.

A breach of any kind can be more than just an embarrassment, it can mean sensitive information getting into the wrong hands, a PR nightmare and a loss of trust by your customers. Then, there’s the financial costs which can include legal fees, fines and auditing services.

Data security breaches have already happened to big business across the UK. Famous examples include high-street favourite Boots being forced to suspend their loyalty card payments after an attempted cyberattack trying to use stolen passwords to compromise customers’ accounts. Another is Virgin Media, who experienced a massive data breach which was thought to have impacted 900,000 customers when personal details on a marketing database were left open for 10 months.

As businesses store an ever-growing amount of sensitive information, the need to ensure its safety and security grows with it. Let’s look at how you can keep your all-important data safe.

What is data security?

Put simply, data security is a means of protecting digital information from unauthorised access, theft or corruption whilst you hold it. The term itself covers all aspects of protecting data, so includes the security of hardware, storage equipment, administrative and access controls and software applications. It even includes your internal security policies, procedures and safeguards.

Done right, it gives complete peace of mind against not just external cyberattacks, but also internal risks and simple human error – which would you believe is one of the leading causes of security breaches.

How does data security work

In order to protect your data you need to install technology and specially designed tools which provide a clear and up-to-date view of where critical data is being held and how it is being used.

This often means using security tools that provide the highest level of protection at all times whilst following all regulatory guidelines. Furthermore, the use of tech and software that provides encryption, data masking, the removal of sensitive files and the streamlining of auditing reports through automation.

Are customers bothered?

This should be a rhetorical question. One that had you shouting “Yes, of course they are!”  Which is why you may not be surprised to know that 75% of consumers say that they will not buy from any business they can’t trust to look after the personal data. This is why you need to be proactive and let customers know the steps you’re taking to safeguard their data.

It pays to get it right

We know how costly it can be to get data security wrong. But what about when you get it right? Well, data is the lifeblood of any modern business and protecting is an ongoing investment. Thankfully, doing it well can pay dividends. It prevents the time and cost of dealing with issues such as complaints and data breaches. On the flip side, taking good care of data can improve efficiencies.

One example is that by deleting data that you no longer need, it become easier to find what you’re looking for and make it more cost-effective to protect what matters to your business.

Effective data security can also help you win contracts as larger organisations will insist on having data protection policies in place. Those with ethical and corporate responsibilities want to work with companies who meet their standards of good practice.

As we’ve seen data security is an essential part of any business, no matter what their size or sector. But, you can’t simply switch it on and forget about it. Rather, it’s a journey where you’re constantly refining and updating your security systems so that you’re always one step ahead of threats and problems, while meeting all relevant rules and regulations.


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