Miniville Brand Experience Event

Getting behind the wheel of an immersive brand experience for Mini

Services Provided

  • Strategy
  • Creative design
  • Print
  • Event management
  • Video


Eager to provide an unforgettable training experience for Mini, our team embarked on the challenge of bringing the Mini brand to life in an immersive urban setting. The objective was to create a unique training environment tailored to showcase the features of the new Mini range.

How Did Resource Help?

In response to the demanding brief, we conceptualized and executed a fully immersive urban ‘brand’ village, aptly named ‘Miniville’. This innovative setup comprised various event zones strategically designed to immerse participants in the Mini brand experience. 

Key Features: 

Eight Event Zones: We meticulously crafted eight distinct areas within Miniville, each serving a specific purpose to enhance product-based training. These zones included a Street Food Festival, a heritage-styled Mini Museum, and a Miniville racetrack, among others. 

Immersive Design: The Miniville build was not just visually striking but also meticulously designed to ensure effective and impressive delivery of training. Every aspect of the setup was tailored to captivate participants and reinforce the Mini brand’s essence.​ 

What Did Success Look Like?

The Miniville project yielded exceptional results for Mini:

Unparalleled Brand Immersion: Participants were fully immersed in the Mini brand experience, thanks to the carefully curated event zones and immersive design elements. This immersive approach facilitated deeper engagement and comprehension of the brand’s features and values.

Effective Training Delivery: The innovative setup of Miniville enabled the seamless delivery of training sessions. Participants were able to interact with Mini products and experiences in a dynamic and impactful manner, enhancing their understanding and retention of key information.

Positive Reception: Miniville garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback from delegates, who praised its creativity, effectiveness, and immersive nature. The event succeeded in leaving a lasting impression on participants, reinforcing brand loyalty and enthusiasm.

In conclusion, the creation of Miniville exemplified our commitment to delivering immersive brand experiences that resonate deeply with audiences. By combining innovative design with strategic planning, we effectively brought the Mini brand to life, resulting in a memorable and impactful training experience.

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