West Yorkshire Combined Authority Behaviour Change Campaign

Changing Travel Behaviours with a Multi-channel Campaign

Services Provided

  • Dedicated project management
  • Strategy
  • Creative design
  • Print
  • Events
  • Advertising


The Walk it, ride it campaign, initially developed with Leeds City Council, aimed to promote alternative transportation. Resource was chosen by the Combined Authority to expand the campaign due to the cost-of-living crisis and the need for broader engagement in West Yorkshire. The campaign focused on encouraging walking, cycling, wheeling, or bus use, increasing MCard app ticket sales, and improving perceptions of public transport. It used real stories, avoided anti-car or public transport messaging, and emphasised people-centricity and community connectivity.

How Did Resource Help?

We conducted thorough discovery and analysis, collaborating closely with key stakeholders and partners to identify priorities and insights. Utilising online communities and a 7-day research piece, we gained valuable insights into target audience behaviours and change drivers. We addressed challenges such as stakeholder management and timelines through comprehensive analysis and transparent communication.

Crafting robust concepts based on research findings, we ensured our campaign felt human-centred and authentic while driving engagement towards our website. Introducing hand-written fonts and vibrant colour palettes enhanced visual ownership and clarity in communication.

Photography featuring real people from diverse backgrounds added authenticity to our campaign. We developed a comprehensive communications strategy with SMART objectives and KPIs, implementing targeted social media strategies and media engagement plans.

Delivering a range of creative assets across various media channels, we designed tailored web pages to drive traffic. Additionally, we organised stakeholder events and engaged partners to boost campaign awareness.

What Did Success Look Like?

As the first multi-modal, integrated behaviour change campaign that’s still in progress, we’re already seeing some fantastic campaign engagement and with a change in perceptions around cycling, walking and riding a bus to follow.

The impact on behaviour and attitudes, identified optimisations and feedback on creative in real-world settings.

  • 40% intend to walk more on the back of the campaign
  • 66% of people clearly remembered the campaign.
  • WYCA saw a 94% increase in sales on the back of the campaign.
  • MCard case study posts had an increase of organic impressions of more than 2,300
  • West Yorkshire Combined Meta Ads had 1,646 clicks, with over 1,400 of these attributed to the campaign
  • We secured 24 pieces of PR coverage to over 29 million people.
  • Across OOH, our campaign had more than 11.1 million views
  • Across radio, our campaign reached more than 3.5 million people
  • Our campaign targeted door-drops reached more than 93,500 people across all 5 x local authorities
  • The West Yorkshire Combined Authority website saw an increase of 2,819 clicks to the site

“I also just wanted to say that the WIRI evaluation is mega! Really fantastic to see all those positive stats, and to understand in depth what worked / could be tweaked for the creatives.”

Mannon Jones, Travel and Behaviour Change Marketing Manager

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