
June 03, 2024

Making a Difference One Step at a Time: Our Partnership with Stand4 Socks 

At Resource, we believe in the power of small actions to make a big impact. That’s why we’re proud to have included Stand4 Socks in our colleague engagement packs for our customers. Through these packs, 5,668 pairs of socks have been donated to people experiencing homelessness via the Stand4 Socks Homeless Programme (HDP), a global giving initiative. 

The Need for Socks

Socks are a critical but often overlooked necessity for people experiencing homelessness. Without them, individuals are at a higher risk for foot infections and diseases. Stand4 Socks addresses this need through their Buy One = Give One model, ensuring that for every pair of socks purchased, a pair is donated to someone in need. 

Making an Impact

Since its inception, Stand4 Socks has donated over 150,000 pairs of socks to vulnerable people. By partnering with Stand4 Socks, we’ve contributed to this mission, donating 5,668 pairs of socks through our engagement packs with cutsomers sych as Home Group and Bromford. 

Join Us

We invite our customers and partners to join us in supporting Stand4 Socks. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact, one pair of socks at a time. To find out how colleague engagement packs can make a positive impact on your team, visit our engagement packs page



March 08, 2024

SME of The Year

We are delighted to share that we won SME of The Year at the PrintWeek Awards last night! 🏆

“It’s not about what we print or what we create, it’s about people passion – that’s what the award means to me.

You never expect to win – you hope, and I did hope, but it is the right time for us to win it again because we’ve got a lot of new people. We looked at our business strategy, our business model, and our people and basically just went for what we sustainably want to achieve, so I’m absolutely delighted that all of our hard work has paid off.” – Gail Weathers, HR & Operations Director

We couldn’t accept this award without saying a big thank you to all our customers who made this possible.

Read more: Printweek – 2024 Printweek Awards winners revealed

Images Copyright
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December 13, 2023

Supporting Local Communities

As 2023 draws to a close and the festive period begins, the season of giving is upon us. At Resource we always try to support our local community and charities in the good work that they do.    

Once again, we are running our #Causewecare appeal. This year we will be supporting children who might not always have access to books or experience the joy of a new book at Christmas time.  

We are delighted to be able to provide books for children of all ages and include a shiny new book voucher for them to enjoy and explore. And as sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Resource, all the gifted books are pre-loved and repurposed.  

Every day is a learning day and encouraging children to read either for educational purposes, fantasy or escapism is a true gift for us.  

The organisations we are supporting this year are:  

Laurence Calvert Academy 

Wortley Community Centre

Leeds Children Charity at Lineham Farm 

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December 06, 2023

Supporting Tai Calon’s 2023 Christmas Appeal

‘Tis the season of giving, and this year, Tai Calon is embarking on another heart warming journey with the support of their community. Here at resource, we have donated shopping vouchers to Tai Calon’s 2023 Christmas appeal, laying the foundation for a season of compassion and generosity. 

Tai Calon, known for their tireless efforts in supporting tenants, has already made a significant impact throughout the year. Over £100,000 in hardship payments have been distributed to local people, providing essential financial support during challenging times. Now, with the backing of resource, Tai Calon is poised to make an even greater difference during the festive season. 

Here’s how Resource’s donation will contribute to Tai Calon’s 2023 Christmas appeal: 

1. Supporting More Local Families 

Tai Calon wants to extend a helping hand to even more local families in need. By identifying those facing financial hardships, they aim to provide the support required to make this festive season a little brighter. 

2. Providing Toys and Gifts for Children 

No child should go without a present during the holidays. With the help of sponsors, Tai Calon intends to increase their efforts in providing toys and gifts to the children of families facing hardship, ensuring that every child experiences the joy of Christmas. 

3. Increasing Food Parcel Distribution 

Recognizing the importance of a warm meal during the holidays, Tai Calon plans to distribute more food parcels to those struggling with food insecurity. Their goal is to make sure that no one in the community goes hungry this Christmas. 

4. Supporting Tenants Who Have Experienced Homelessness 

For tenants who have recently found a place to call home, Tai Calon wants to ensure that this festive season becomes a turning point in their lives. By offering support and resources, they aim to help these individuals rebuild their lives and create a foundation for a brighter future. 

5. Continuing Support for Local Food Banks and Warm Hubs 

Tai Calon understands the vital role that food banks and warm hubs play in the community. This Christmas, they will continue their support, ensuring that these essential services can distribute much-needed food parcels and provide a warm, safe space for those in need. 

As we approach the holiday season, we’re proud to support Tai Calon in their mission to bring warmth, joy, and hope to our community. 

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November 27, 2023

Global Award For Resource Director

Resource’s Sales & Marketing Director Asif Choudry has been named as a winner in the 2023 Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Global Marketing Excellence Awards.

Asif, well known to Comms teams across the country as founder of and a continuing key player in the #commsHERO community, has scooped the prestigious Marketing Pioneer Award.

A marketing professional, Chartered Marketer and Fellow of CIM with over 25 years of experience, as a key part of a multi-disciplined team over the last decade Asif has played an integral part in the celebration of comms and marketing specialists.

With his creation of #commsHERO back in 2014, Asif strived to create a platform for marketing professionals of all career stages to learn, share best practice, inspire, connect and collaborate with each other. 

With the help and support of team members from all departments at Resource, including creative, event and production, and with the involvement of comms professionals with a wide range of experience and knowledge, #commsHERO has gone from strength to strength.

It grew with the idea of making communications and PR conferences more accessible, Asif wanted to get away from the idea that all events must happen in London. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, #CommsHero put on in-person events throughout the year in different locations across the United Kingdom, bringing comms professionals together and making conferences more accessible, engaging and fun.

In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in-person events were suddenly out of reach, but this did not stop Asif and his dedicated CommsHero team. Driven by listening to his connections, Asif was determined to continue bringing together the marketing community, to celebrate the amazing work they do.

He made the bold decision to move the #CommsHero event into the digital space, making it not only one event but a whole week of carefully crafted sessions. And, so was born, in September 2020, #commsHERO Week.

Fast forward to 2023 and, the community has over 13,700 followers on Twitter, hosted the 15th #CommsHero event, and the third week-long virtual event, with 70+ speakers talking about a variety of comms topics. It is hugely successful.

Asif never loses sight of the importance of Resource and its dedicated team. Alongside colleagues he introduces the company and the outstanding range of services it delivers to clients nationwide. Resource specialises in strategy, creative, production and experience working in print, digital and virtual mediums to deliver information and experiences that provide the results clients want.

The Marketing Pioneer Award recognises Asif’s unrivalled performance in delivering marketing excellence for clients.

Commenting on his success, he said: “I am so chuffed! Thank you to the judges who made the decision. I was truly honoured to pick this award up for the amazing team Resource. Thank you to everyone who has been part of the wonderful #commsHERO community since 2014, and to all of our clients. This is for all of us.” 

Entries for the awards were judged by an esteemed panel of experts from leading brands, agencies and consultancies including Microsoft, VCCP, Virgin Atlantic, LID Business Media, Lucky Saint, SaturnFive, and Thinkbox. The award ceremony, which Asif attended, was held at the Brewery in London with comedian Tom Allen announcing the winners.

Chris Daly, CEO at Chartered Institute of Marketing said: “Congratulations to all those who won, this year’s submissions were truly exceptional. “Selecting a winner for the Marketing Pioneer Award proved more challenging than ever before. Congratulations to Asif on his success.”

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August 11, 2023

The Aster Foundation and Resource Celebrate Third-Year Partnership, Empowering Entrepreneurs

The Aster Foundation, a leading charity working to enable the better lives of one million people by 2030 through combatting the biggest causes and effects of poverty., and Resource, a renowned sustainability-focused full-service communications agency, are proud to mark the successful culmination of their third-year partnership. This milestone collaboration has been instrumental in supporting emerging entrepreneurs through the inc. programme, empowering them to combat poverty through creative and innovative initiatives.

The Aster Foundation is steadfast in their mission to address the biggest causes and effects of poverty. Their commitment to delivering community-based initiatives, conducting impactful research, and nurturing innovation led to the establishment of inc. inc. is a social incubator for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to tackle some of the UKs most prevalent social challenges through transformative projects.

“We are thrilled to celebrate three years of collaboration with Resource,” said Claire Ryan, Assistant Director – Income Generation, Fundraising and Engagement at  Aster Foundation. “Their unwavering support and dedication have been pivotal in amplifying the impact of our inc. programme. Their expertise in sustainable strategies and creative communications has truly made a difference, empowering our entrepreneurs to create positive change.”

Resource, with its core emphasis on sustainability, has proven to be the perfect ally for The Aster Foundation’s inc. programme. Their expertise in developing sustainable strategies, creative solutions, and experiences has elevated the inc. participants’ projects, creating lasting change within communities.

As part of the partnership, Resource has offered valuable in-kind services, including branding and content support, to the entrepreneurs participating in the inc. programme. This additional contribution has been invaluable, empowering these emerging businesses to make a difference.

“We believe that the value of this type of relationship is huge,” said Claire. “By combining financial support with in-kind services, we can maximize the impact of the inc. programme. Resource’s values align perfectly with our vision, and their contributions have been vital in helping our entrepreneurs thrive. Along with the programme partner McAndrew Martin, who is inc’s, largest financial contributor we can expect to see more impactful results from our upcoming cohort.”

The Aster Foundation’s inc. programme has already yielded remarkable outcomes, with participating entrepreneurs making tangible progress in addressing poverty-related challenges.

Giving something back to our customers and the communities we serve is a very important part of the social value impact we have. It’s been a privilege to be involved with the inc programme since day one and use our team and the collective expertise to help these social entrepreneurs to grow their businesses to be a force for good.

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March 08, 2023

Why you should be considering perception in communications

Have you ever considered the implication of different perceptions within your communication campaigns?

Perception is a funny thing. Individuals perceive messages differently, no matter the medium the messages are in, whether it’s optical illusions, through design or written content. And that’s viewnique.

Most people take in information through their five senses, but your perceptual field (the world around you) includes so many stimuli that it is impossible for your brain to process and make sense of it all. So, as information comes in through your senses, various factors influence what actually continues on through the perception process.

[source: Fiske, S.T. and Taylor, S.E. (1991) Social Cognition. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.]

All organisations should communicate with their audience by taking into account the different ways their messages may be perceived.

So, what is perception in communication?

By knowing how perception works, you’ll be able to clear up any communication misunderstandings before they happen.

In communication, perception is a 3 three-step process: selecting, organising and interpretating. The effect that perception has on the process of communication pertains to how different people might interpret the same message in very different ways.

[Source: ‘Perception Role & Influences | What Is Perception in Communication? - Video & Lesson Transcript’. Study.Com, Accessed 21 Feb. 2023.]

Step 1: Selecting

In the first step, people select the information they want to perceive, and this affects the rest of the perception process. There are a number of different messages that everyone is bombarded with, and it’s not possible for someone to perceive each one. That’s why the brain selects specific parts of a message to concentrate on.

For example, if two people are watching an advert about a local hair salon, they may both focus on a different aspect. One might concentrate on the different hairstyles the salon is able to do, while the other may pay attention to the location of the salon.

Step 2: Organise

In the next step, people organise the information they have selected to perceive. Each individual has a different way they categorise their information, and it’s related to past perceptions and experiences. For example, the person that focused on the different hairstyles in the advert may be looking for a hairdresser for their upcoming wedding. If they have been researching local hairdressers, they may categorise this information with other similar ones they’ve researched.

Step 3: Interpret

In the last step, people assign meaning to the information they’ve selected and organised. Like all aspects of perception, interpretation is based on a number of factors the person has experienced. For example, if the hair salon advert says that the location is within walking distance from a certain area, the person that’s focused on location may interpret that to mean it’s close to their house.

[source: ‘Types of Perception in Communication’. Bizfluent, Accessed 21 Feb. 2023.]

So, how can we ensure the right message is being absorbed?

In any form of communication, whether that is a visual advert or copy orientated newsletter, audiences tend to pay attention to the information that is salient. Salience is the degree to which something attracts your attention in a particular context. The thing attracting your attention can be abstract, like a concept, or concrete, like an object.

The degree of salience depends on three features: (Fiske & Taylor, 1991) whether the object is visually or aurally stimulating, whether it meets your needs or interests, and whether it meets or challenges your expectations.

Visual and Aural Stimulation – It is probably not surprising to learn that visually and/or aurally stimulating things become salient in our perceptual field and get our attention.

Needs and Interests – We tend to pay attention to information that we perceive to meet our needs or interests in some way. We also find salient information that interests us.

Expectations – The relationship between salience and expectations is a little more complex. We can find both expected things salient and find things that are unexpected salient.

Consider a guerrilla marketing campaign for instance, they are considered as visually stimulating, they are often objects that are enlarged or out of place, they challenge most people’s expectations in terms of the ‘normal’ advertisement they see. Guerrilla marketing represents an impossible scenario created through visual stimulation, that generates salience.

As a communicator, you can use this knowledge about salience to your benefit by minimizing distractions when you have something important to say.

[source: eCampusOntario. Perception. Apr. 2018.,]

When you’re prepping your next comms piece, consider the message you want to convey, the key takeaways for your audience and the campaign salience. Focus the visuals, sound, touch, taste and smell to direct to that salience.

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March 02, 2023

Our commitment to the environment

We recognise the potential impact our work could have on the environment if not carefully managed; that’s why we are committed to ensuring that our services are as environmentally friendly as possible. Our accreditations and Environmental Management System (EMS) are evidence of this agenda: ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental management; Forest Stewardship Council (FSC); World Land Trust (WLT) Carbon Balanced Publication Printer status.

resource is one of only a handful of carbon balanced printers accredited by the World Land Trust, this enables us to offset through the World Land Trust all our emission throughout our business. Carbon balanced print helps combat global warming and delivers against your corporate social responsibility. The World Land Trust work globally to protect critically threatened tropical forests and habitats whilst investing in tree planting and reforestation worldwide. Your printed material will display the World Land Trust logo and you’ll receive a certificate from resource to advise the amount of carbon balanced and the area of land protected as a result of your positive action.

All paper used by resource is FSC certified. The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) ensures that paper products use wood fibre that is sourced from responsibly managed forests meeting the highest environmental, social and economic standards. Only then will it carry the FSC logo, including a certified chain of custody that tracks the timber through every stage in the supply chain, from the forest to the end user. As an FSC certified printer, any print we produce on your behalf will display the FSC logo, showcasing your commitment to procuring from an environmentally friendly source.

From November 2012 to December 2022 resource has carbon balanced through World Land Trust 2181 Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide, enabling us to protect 220 Acres of critically threatened tropical forest.

Download our certificate here

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December 01, 2022

A time for reflection

As the year draws to a close and the festive period begins, it’s a time for reflection. There is, without doubt, a growing level of uncertainty and concern over the challenges that are being faced as a result of the economic climate. Whilst we all consider what that means for ourselves and our families, it’s also an opportunity to think of those who are less fortunate.

With this in mind, we’ve chosen to do something different this Christmas. Rather than identifying one charity, we’ve asked our colleagues to each choose a cause that’s close to their heart, so that we can make a £100 donation to each one.

The team have each submitted some fantastic suggestions, with some emotional reasons, so why not take the time to read one or two to see where their donation is going. Hopefully, this will also encourage others to make a donation, if they’re in a fortunate position to do so.

See below the links to our full list of charities and good causes our colleagues have chosen to support this festive season:

Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity

3 Dads Walking

German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue UK

British Heart Foundation

St Gemma’s Hospice

Royal National Lifeboat Institution


Project Hope

Getaway Girls

Royal National Institute of Blind People

National Autistic Society – Calderdale branch

The Health Tree Foundation

Street Angels

Dementia Adventure

Simon on the streets

Wakefield Street Kitchen

Challenging MND

Andy’s Man Club

Bone Cancer Research Trust

Kirkwood Hospice

Ireland Wood Primary School

Elliot’s Footprint

Dementia UK

T.A.P Assistance Dogs

Alzheimers Society

Meningitis Now

The Resource Food Bank – Christ Church and South Ossett

Service Dogs UK


Motor Neurone Disease Association

Wakefield Hospice

Bradford Cat Watch & Rescue Sanctuary

Barwick and Elmet cubs

Fletcher’s Fencing, Decking & Garden Maintenance

Leeds North West Food Bank


Leukaemia research fund

Calderdale and Hudd NHS Trust: Coronary care unit

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